Friday, June 1, 2012

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Review: Wait for the Wind - Brynna Curry

Review: Wait for the Wind - Brynna Curry

Wait for the Wind by Brynna Curry
Series:  Elemental Magic #3
Release Date:  January 17, 2011
Publisher:  Lyrical Press
Source:  Provided by publisher
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Ryan and Kate must reunite to break the second of a three-part thousand-year-old spell.Kate O'Connell grew up loved by the Corrigan family, all the while suffering from the inescapable reality of her own alcoholic father. At a young age she gave her heart and innocence to Ryan Corrigan. For once happiness seemed within her reach, until in one horror-filled night, the monster she called 'Daddy' changed everything.Too many misunderstandings forced Kate and Ryan apart, but now Kate's come home to open her clinic and raise her daughter, Allaina, closer to his family. Will she be able to open Ryan's heart to his magic? Ryan is glad to be back on Irish soil, but the reason he left still haunts him. As he tries to build a new life and redeem his past, can he forgive Kate and reclaim his healing gift in time to save his sister and her twins?Steamy love scenes, adult language

Reviewer's Thoughts: I will admit, when I selected this book to read, I didn't realize it was book #3.  Given that fact, I was missing out on a whole lot of back story when I started this one.

Ryan Corrigan and Kate O'Connell were in love when tragedy and a huge misunderstanding send Ryan running off to the United States and unwilling to speak to Kate.  Thirteen years later, he returns home to Ireland to discover that everything he thought was wrong and leaves him wanting to get back what he lost.

Ryan and Kate were an interesting couple.  Ryan leaves all his past hurt and misconceptions at the door when he realizes (using his magic) that he was wrong about everything involving Kate.  It's commendable to have a man so willing to say he's wrong and want to immediately make up for that mistake.  But I found Kate a little to eager to forgive and forget.  She went through something truly horrible and tragic and when she reached out to the man that she loves he slammed the door in her face.  That said, it was nice to see that true love truly never dies because they were able to move forward.

Many things happened with the other secondary characters in the book, Jack and Liv have their baby, you can tell Skye and Rhian will start building their budding relationship and Devin is the wizard who is protecting his keep.  (What was happening with all the secondary characters is where it would have been helpful reading the other two books).

An enjoyable read with a great love story.


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